Established in 1998 by Leticia Bulotano-Wheeler, this Montreal, Canada-based pageant is an internationally-recognized event promoting the world's cultures. Contestants compete annually for the prestigious titles of Miss Global Beauty Queen and in year 2005, the pageant was held in Xiang Shan, China.
Miss Global Beauty Queen 2009, the 11th Miss Global Beauty Queen beauty pageant, will be held at Daqing, in China during 11th July - 5th August 2009. Yulia Krylova, from Russia, winner of Miss Global Beauty Queen 2008, will crown her successor in the event.
TOP5: Miss Global Queen 2008
Expected Miss Global Queen 2009 Contestants
01 Addis Ababa - Ethiopia | 02 Almaty - Kazakhstan | 03 Amsterdam - The Netherlands | 04 Athens - Greece |
05 Auckland - New Zealand | 06 Bangkok - Thailand | 07 Belfast - Northern Ireland | 08 Belgrade - Serbia |
09 Bogota - Colombia | 10 Brasov - Romania | 11 Brisbane - Australia | 12 Brussels - Belgium |
13 Copenhagen - Denmark | 14 Dublin - Ireland | 15 El Tigre - Venezuela | 16 Glasgow - Scotland |
17 Gloucester - England | 18 Goiania - Brazil | 19 Kathmandu - Nepal | 20 Kostanay - Kazakhstan |
21 LaSalle - Canada | 22 Las Vegas (Nevada) - USA | 23 Luxembourg | 24 Manila - Philippines |
25 Minsk - Belarus | 26 Nairobi - Kenya | 27 Nassau - Bahamas | 28 Nicosia - Cyprus |
29 Novosibirsk - Russia | 30 Paris - France | 31 Penang - Malaysia | 32 Plock - Poland |
33 Prague - Czech Republic | 34 Pristina - Kosovo | 35 Rauma - Finland | 36 Riga - Latvia |
37 San Jose - Costa Rica | 38 Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain | 39 Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic | 40 Sarajevo - Bosnia |
41 Seoul - Korea | 42 Singapore | 43 Sofia - Bulgaria | 44 Stavanger - Norway |
45 Strumica - Macedonia | 46 Swansea - Wales | 47 Taipei - Taiwan | 48 Tallinn - Estonia |
49 Tirana - Albania | 50 Tivat - Montenegro | 51 Toronto - Canada | 52 Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia |
53 Uppsala - Sweden | 54 Vilnius - Lithuania | 55 Yerevan - Armenia |
- List of Beauty Pageants
- Upcoming Beauty Queens
- Miss Global Beauty Queen 2009 ( Contestants )
- Miss Global Beauty Queen 2008 ( Winner / Contestants )
- Miss World 2009 ( Contestants )
- Miss World 2008 ( Winner / Contestants )
- Miss Universe 2009 ( Contestants )
- Miss Universe 2008 ( Winner / Contestants )
- Miss International 2009 ( Contestants )
- Miss International 2008 ( Winner / Contestants )
- Miss Earth 2009 ( Contestants )
- Miss Earth 2008 ( Winner / Contestants )