Miss Earth SA 2009 Candidate - Lwandle Sikhakhane

Miss Earth South Africa 2009 held on Sat 06th June 2009 at Emperors Palace, Johannesburg. Final pageant, Chanel Grantham won Miss Earth SA 2009.

Here is Miss Earth SA 2009 Candidate

Lwandle Sikhakhane

Lwandle Sikhakhane is a 20 year old innovative and creative woman from Soweto that has a vision in making a difference in our country and currently working for BIM Communications as a promotions co-ordinator, a model and aspiring to head up design department in the industry. I believe that my life is a painting, I am the artist who decides on how it comes out and I have decided to paint this picture green.

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Courtesy : missearthsa.co.za