Toby Chan's Photos & Profile/Biography


Birth Name: Toby Chan /陳庭欣 Chen Tingxin
Birth Date: 27.8.1987(age 22)
Birth Place: Hong Kong
Height: 5'7" (1.70m)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Title(s): Miss Hong Kong 2010
Major Competition(s):


職業: 人事顧問 Occupation: Personnel Consultants
學歷: 大學畢業 Education: College graduate
國籍: 中國 Nationality: China
籍貫: 順德 Birthplace: Shunde
家庭成員: 父母 Family: Parents
星座: 處女座 Constellation: Virgo
生肖: 兔 Zodiac Year: Rabbit
血型: Blood type:
性格: Outgoing, Talkative (外向、健談) Personality: Outgoing, Talkative (outgoing, talkative)
參 選原因: To develop an outstanding career & to build valuable life experience. To pass out the message of "Environmental Friendly" to general public via this pageant. (建立成功事業及寶貴人生經驗。透過參選將環保訊息傳揚開去) Election because: To develop an outstanding career & to build valuable life experience. To pass out the message of "Environmental Friendly" to general public via this pageant. (To build a successful career and a valuable life experience. Through the election to help spread the message of environmental protection to)
提名人關係: Relative Nomination Relations: Relative
最欣賞的港姐: 袁詠儀 The most admired Miss Hong Kong: Anita
最滿意/漂亮部位: Eyes (眼睛) The most satisfactory / beautiful parts: Eyes (eyes)
最性感的部位: Legs (腿部) The most sexy part: Legs (legs)
最希望改善的部位: Face shape (面形) Most want to improve the site: Face shape (Shape)
精通語言: 廣東話、英語 Proficient in languages: Cantonese, English
專長: A good listener with good communication skill Expertise: A good listener with good communication skill
備 戰方法: Timetable being set to improve healthy diet process (製定飲食時間表以建立健康飲食習慣) Preparation Method: Timetable being set to improve healthy diet process (to develop a timetable to establish a healthy eating diet)
難忘經歷: Finished my university field trips (完成大學考察旅程) Memorable experience: Finished my university field trips (to complete university study tours)
口頭禪: Super Fine. Pet phrase: Super Fine.
座右銘: Be myself and to do my best Motto: Be myself and to do my best
最喜愛的歌曲: 終身美麗- 鄭秀文 Favorite song: the beautiful life - Sammi Cheng
最喜愛的人物: 周星馳 Favourite Person: Stephen Chow
最喜愛的食物: Chestnuts (栗子) & Sushi Favorite food: Chestnuts (chestnut) & Sushi
最討厭的食物: Any food in spicy (辛辣食品) The most hated food: Any food in spicy (spicy food)
最喜愛的顏色: Purple Favorite color: Purple
最喜愛的動物: Rabbits, Dogs Favorite animal: Rabbits, Dogs
最 喜愛的電影或電視劇: 西遊記、All Steven Chow's Movies (所有周星馳電影) Favorite movies or TV shows: Journey to the West, All Steven Chow's Movies (all Stephen Chow movies)
最想旅遊的地方: Japan (日本) The best place to travel: Japan (Japan)


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