Good luck Marisa Miss Teen Namibia 2010 to participate in the Miss Teen World contest

Marisa Maloney (16), Miss Teen Namibia 2010, is leaving today to participate in the Miss Teen World contest in Texas, USA. In the contest 57 countries will be represented and the crowing event will take place in Huston on August 14. This is the first time that Namibia will be represented at the event. Her national costume was created by Janel Marais, who used the whole country for inspiration. The neckpiece represents the mining industry with a special focus on copper. The top is from a Nguni cow and represents the cattle industry and all the cultures in Namibia except for the San. The San are represented through their beadwork used on the skirt, headband and bracelets. The skirt represents all the game in the country and is made from game leather.

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