Alyssa Behme Miss Teen Illinois Festival Queen 2010

Alyssa Behme Miss Teen Illinois Festival Queen 2010

Parents: Stephen and Amy Behme
Siblings: Carter 11, and Tristan 8
Pets: Palamino Horse named Frisco Fury, A Chocolate Pocket Beagle named Fergie, and Two Dwarf Frogs named Lollie and Ollie Hop.
Grandparents: Herb and Millie Whitmer of Toulon , Illinois and Erwin and Barbara Behme of Carlinville , Illinois
Great-Grandparents: Robert Whitmer of Kewanee , Illinois and Louise Baker of Kewanee , Illinois

2008 Second Runner Up Jr. Miss O.S.A, 2009 Jr. Miss O.S.A. Queen, Various Pageant Awards, 2010 Teen Illinois Festival Queen

Interests: Pageants, Waterskiing, Scrapbooking, Music, Shopping, Baking, Making new friends, Riding ATV’s, and spending time with family.

congratulate to Alyssa B.

courtesy of illinoisfestivalqueen
for photo and all information