Miss World 2011 - Final for Sports Swimming Competition Video

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* Miss World 2011 Coverage
* Miss World 2011 Contestants
* Miss World 2011 - Final for Sports Swimming Competition Video
* Miss World 2011 - Visit to Stirling Castle and Gleneagles
* Miss World 2011 - Dinner at Crieff Hydro
* Miss World 2011 Talent Semi-Finalists Announced
* Miss World 2011 Sports Fast Track Finalists

2011 Miss World Final for Sports - Swimming Competition

The 113 delegates competing in Miss World 2011 had tryout competitions to try and be one of the lucky finalists of the Miss World Sports Woman event. After a series of tests and other disciplines, the lucky finalists were assigned into groups for Sunday’s competition.  The winner of the Sports Woman fast-track event will be announced on November 6th and will advance into the semi finals.

courtesy of globalbeauties